EODY: 62 COVID-19 deaths, over 18,000 new infections, 365 intubated

21:56 - 04/04/2022

Α total of 27,746 have COVID-19 patients have died in Greece since the beginning of the pandemic, 95.4 percent with an underlying medical condition and/or age 70 or older, and EODY has recorded 3.1mn infections.

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EODY: 62 COVID-19 deaths, over 18,000 new infections, 365 intubated

Α total of 27,746 have COVID-19 patients have died in Greece, 95.4 percent with an underlying medical condition and/or age 70 or older, and 3.1mn infections have been recorded.

Διαβάστε το στο tanea.gr

EODY: 62 COVID-19 deaths, over 18,000 new infections, 365 intubated

There are currently 365 intubated COVID-19 patients, with a median age of 70-years-old, and 91.2 percent have an underlying medical condition and/or are age 70 or older..

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